Thursday 5 July 2012

In the Mood...For Baking!!!

  I have been is a crazy mood to bake...For the past few weeks Tullula and I have been making Muffin on Fridays, we usually have a play date in the afternoon so it has been a good excuse to make Muffins, but its also been great to then have then for the week ahead!
But I am a bit over muffins, I want so make something a bit more fancy, a bit more fun a bit more challenging!
Well I think I have met my challenge, one I was not aware would be so grand!
I got the Idea that it would be easy to make Macaroons, and that I was going to make some...Being I am French and all...But I quickly realised that being French was not enough to make them...Plus I needed a few more baking tools..But that's what shops are for, and that's why they are open till late during the week...
For us crazy woman in the need to bake, RIGHT NOW!!
Now my very first try I did, I did not take any photo's...way too embarrassing for that!!! They quickly went into the garbage bin...Yet, I was hooked...So Wednesday night at 7pm I set off to the shops, food colouring, flour siffer, piping bag and I was set to give it another try!!!
My batter looked great, thicker than the first time...I was exited!
I piped then onto the trays, I banged the air bubbles out...It was all looking good for me!
I put then in the oven, as a very low temperature, and the cooking starts...
The tray on the bottom started to burn, I had to pull them out, and they just went FLOP-FLAT...

I still had hope, the tray on the top was looking good, but they too seemed to have the bottom to go a bit dark, so I pulled them out as well!
They  did not flattened down, a good sign, but they also did not rise as much as they should of! At least I don't think so, and they seem to be raw inside!!!
Yes I was disappointed, but challenged as well and ready to give it another try!
But it was getting late, so I decided to just make my usual chocolate brownie, to stick with a recipe I knew how to make and trusted!!!
Well I guess it was getting late and I tired, first mistake, I made them with milk chocolate and not the usual dark chocolate! I thought minor mistake and not really important!
But I waited up until it was cooked, turned the oven off, and ........Left it in the oven!
Now we all know things continue to cook in a warm oven...Right??? I knew that, I know that...But I did it!
And yes this morning the cake was as hard as a brick wall!!!!

You know what, I was cool about it.
Its Ok, I can make another one...So I did as Stephen left to take Tullula to day care!
I was on top of this one...Timer and all ticking away, checking it in the oven, let it sit 10 min...
 And it was done, perfect to me, so I pulled it out the oven and sat in on the stove top...
Off to finish packing my suitcase.

Then Stephen comes to see me with the baking paper in his hand and says; "The baking paper under your brownie's caught on fire, look at it its all burned"
I looked at it, what has he got in his hand?? did he pull that from under the brownie??? Yes it looks like it!
Hmmm...its all black and a huge burnt hole in the middle???
What's going on????
It ticked in my head...
_ _ _ _ the stove top is on!!!
Yes, in my cooking frenzy I had left one on the hot plates on, and well sat my cake right on top of it!
Yes....Its burned on the bottom...Edible in some places...
 So I resolved to make Muffins...From this muffin cook book I got on an impulse buy for $5 at K-Mart!
They did not fail me...Ouf...Finally my baking fix has been eased!!! 
For now I shall let it take a rest, too much in my head with my holidays coming up tomorrow!
So I shall give it a rest and get back to it when I get back!
As I am not done trying to make Macaroons!
I have heard that they take practise and patience!!


4 commentaires:

Nellies said...

You don't give up easily :-) I would have stopped after the first time something wouldn't bake as I wanted, haha.

Unknown said...

can you share the recipe for the macaroons? I will give it a go too!

Sarah M. said...

Its my MOOD for baking I guess!

Sarah M. said...

@Ana Foix
Ana, have a look at this Blog:

I got one recipe there! Let me know how YOu go???

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