Thursday 3 November 2011

Morning at the Beach

Stephen has been working at night in a shopping centre. getting some shops fixed and they also worked on the Food court! So, early in the morning, at about 6am when Tullula is ready to get out of bed, and lets us know its time to get her out! I'm sure Stephen must be saying "oh no, not yet, my night is not over"...
But we have always taken turns in who gets up, depending on work and who did it the day before!
So It was naturally my turn to get up!
As I did not want us to make too much noise, and let him sleep in peace I decided it was about time we started getting out to the beach early! So, we had a quick breakfast, got into our swimmers and packed a bag real quick, and by about 7am we were on the bicycle on our way down to the beach!
PhotobucketWe had a lovely morning!

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