Thursday 9 August 2012

Becoming Billilgual

I guess it becomes some sort of big issue or discussion point when you are raising a child that way. For me, it has been something super interesting to live, watch and talk about!
On the Sunshine Coast, I am surrounded by Multicultural families.
A few have children the same age as Tullula so it’s a topic of common interest!

Now apart from a little boy whose parents are both French, the others are different nationalities.
It has come to my attention that I am doing really good, always talking to Tullula in French, no matter where we are or with whom. I know I have to, it’s the key factor to her learning, remembering and becoming bilingual at this stage!

I do know that it can be hard to do so, and I have at times felt like giving up and just talk in English. Some people are embarrassed to talk their native language when in public and I have been told that its “rude” to talk to you child in a language no one around can understand!
Well you see, I don’t think it is!!!
I am French, and I speak French! I am teaching my child to talk MY language, and Stephen, day care and every one else is teaching her English.
I mean; say you go on a holiday to France (or any other country of different language) and take your child to the playground; are you going to talk to your child in French???
Well if you don’t speck the language, you can’t, and even if you did, I bet you still would not!

Now, ok once Tullula will be older and actually BE bilingual, sure then I shall talk to her in the language of those around us, but until then I am teaching her something valuable, something that is part of her heritage, and now she will learn it much easer than at any other time in her life!

It just has to be done from the begging and never stopped until it’s achieved!
I have been frowned upon that Tullula will take longer to learn to talk, and maybe its true. Maybe she is a bit behind in the language stills, but then is she really?
Maybe she is now, but next year she wont be.
She will eventually talk, we all do! And when she does, she will talk two languages!
I think that’s being a bit ahead in today’s world! At least it’s the way I see it, and if I can give that to my child well then I shall!!!

As for now, haven spent 3 weeks in Fiji and being surrounded by French has clearly improved her French, and it makes me very proud to hear!

Tullula has a cold!

Whats your way of teaching your children to becoming Bilingual?
How is it working?
I would Love to hear your story.


4 commentaires:

Monique said...

I completely agree with you speaking French to Tallulah. They absorb so much at a young age. I only wish my husband or myself spoke a different language, I would do the same as you. If everyone else around her is speaking English, there is only One way for her to learn French, and that is you. I am sure you are doing a fantastic job at it too. Don't let others discourage you, you are doing the right thing, they are probably jealous because their kids won't be bilingual. Good luck!

Nauli said...

Interesting article. We plan to raise our child actually trilingual - mother tongue, father tongue and the language we speek to each other. Gonna become a big adventure.
You're absolutely right with your way! Go on!

Sarah M. said...

That's very interesting! I would love to know how you go when it happens!! And the one word of advise I can give you, is never give up!!!

Sarah M. said...

Thank you Monique!!

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