Thursday 4 August 2011

Nappie's In the Sun

I really must admit that at times I truly get tired of washing nappies!
Most times I say to people with a lot of confidence that really one "gets used to it", or that "really its not that hard"... It is true that after a year and a half of doing it, a routine has set in, so it just gets done without thinking much about it...But after spending a couple of weeks away with Tullula on my fathers Boat in New Caledonia, I realised how much MORE easier disposables were!!!
Yet, we are watching our every cent, and I guess I must admit that its also part of my belief that I'm doing my little bit for the planet, so here I am washing nappies again!! 

Maybe that's why Tullula is walking around with nothing on a bit more these days!!!!

I wonder; how many of you out there use cloth nappies as well????

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