Saturday 20 August 2011

Nails, Art and Beauty!!

I just recently did a Manicure and Pedicure Course, as add on's to my  massage qualifications and thus be more employable on the Spa Industry!

It was a good experience, expensive for just two days thats for sure...But then I guess thats the price one has to pay for get to a Nationally Accredited  Piece of paper! And I guess it has paid off, as I already got a job this Saturday doing pedicures!!!
But thats not what i wanted to talk about...I wanted to talk about that whole world; the one of Beauty!!!
I was brought up in a very natural way, and at 15 boys did not want to go out with me because my legs were too hairy, and at 19 I would get laughed at for my lack of fashoin taist (I used to were sneakers and a skirt, not a done thing back then, I was just ahead of the trend maybe :-)...Then at 21 I was sent to the hair dressers to get a new look and a face wax...Ok, I got the point, I needed to have a closer look in the miror!!!!
One boy friend even said to me I should get surgery to remove the scare on my face!!!

I lived in  New York at the time, and you knwo those American girls...On top of it all they are!
So I had my hair dyed, had acrylic nails, wore what was in style and started to get a sense for it all!!!
But then I went on to sail with my brother for 9 months on a tiny weeany little boat, and all that was no longer a thing to do, or a necessity so I came back to my natural state but with knowledge of what a girl has to do!
 It was all a valuble lesson, but at the end of the day all that fake stuff is just not who I am!
Sure, I like a bit of make up, to be clean and smell good and feel good in my skin...And for sure a lot of that is what society has dictaited upon us, but I have found my just middle and thats it!

yet, when I went to that course, all the girls were talking about was their fake tans, their fake nails, hair extentions (not to say fake hair) and all in their perfectly covered faces of foundation and all the lot!!!
I almost felt atracted to it all, but then "No" I don't want to be like that...I think I just like some of the feel good stuff without all the Fake? Is that possible?
I went home to steve with all my questions and comments, telling him I could not understand how someone could spend $700 on Hair extentions!!! And he said, that it was the same for boys, they spend their money on flashy cars!
he was right! Its just the world we live in, Modern society only has things to show off!!!!
Oh well...Im happy the way I am!!!

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