The reality is she often says it now in frustration and it stops her from talking further at times!
"Oh.....JE PEUT PAS".....its often followed by a "I can't do it" (exact translation of "je peut pas" actually)
As she might be throwing herself on the ground, giving up as all is too hard!
It has been over 4 months that we are now back from our trip to France and the reality to be expected is that English has once again become Tullula's first language and only having me to practise her French means she is not getting much of it once more...I am still only talking to her in French exclusively, and its been interesting to notice that she will switch to French when addressing me where ever we are...Clearly meaning that she has no problems swapping from one language to the other!
Yet its the vocabulary that's the difficulty, she forgets words in French and it has sort of become a stutter as she tries to find her words and if they don't come she gets frustrated and its all over!
I often tell her to calm down and just say it in English, but she does not...She will ask me how to say this or that and continue...There are times when both languages are mixed and its done in such a natural way that I dot point it out and I don't know if Tullula actually notices!!!
I have noticed myself trying to use a more simple vocabulary, a more simple speech to use with her...But reality is I have to stop, as if I don't use the right words how will she learn?
And after all its good for me too to practise proper French!
The very sad part, and I hate to have to admit this...But I have noticed that Tullula has been also struggling a bit with her English...When she talks she has no problems, her speech is clear and she has all the right vocabulary, but she has a tendency to stay on one word for a bit at times before she moves on...Like a broken disc...And we sit there waiting for to to spit it out, say what she has to say....Its a bit strange...I truly believe that its due to her Bilingualism Brain!
One day when I picked her up from Day Care she ran to me as she does for a hug...then went back to the little girl she was playing with and said to her:
"You want to see my Mummy? Sheeeeeeee's Different!!!"
I sat there thinking what's that supposed to mean?? Now I am different?? What is my daughter trying to insinuate?
And I realised that it was because I speck French to her all the time, not like the other mummy's, making me different from the vast majority!
Ok, I can deal with that!!!
I have mentioned how the Topic of raising a Bilingual child often comes up, and the interesting part is that whats most spoken about is the child!
Well there is a lot that can be said about the parent as well.
But that will be for the next chapter!
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