So our Little Tullulita is 4!
"I'm Not Little is what she would say in protest"...
No matter how many times I tell her that she is and always will be my little girl, she has to get a "No, your a big Girl" out of my mouth to be satisfied!
Will celebrate on Sunday afternoon at the park!
It has been 4 years of happiness.
- 16 seasons to wonder.
- 48month to imagine and create.
- 1460 days to play and discover.
- 35 040 hours of experiences to grow...
That's what her life has been since that day on the 15th of January 2010 in the Marquises!
I think most parents must say this, but I am amazed to think that she is already 4!!
I am amazed at the thought that I have been a mother for 4 years, a partner for 6 and living in one place for 4 years is a massive achievement for me! Its a good time to reflect and for me to realise how much has happend, how much we have done and how lovely the little tiny baby I once could hold in one arm has grown into a "big" girl!
She has been a very lucky girl and in this time has been able to travel to Australia, New Caledonia, Fiji and even Europe...I have done all my best and never stopped talking in French and we can proudly say that she is on a good path to becoming Bilingual...What a challenge that has been!
Tullula goes to day care 4 days a week at the moment and has a weekly swimming lesson at our local pool centre and will be starting once again Kindy Gym when the school term starts...She has Mondays with mommy alone and Saturdays with daddy, as we take turns to work!
I am sure she loves the days with Daddy alone, as he spends so much time playing with her!
Yet I think she tends to be more of a Mommy's girl most of the times, and despite my busy-ness trying to keep the apartment tidy and clean on Mondays, we spend time crafting together, or she watches me as I sew something for her!
I have a full list of the things she has asked me to make for her; How lucky, crafty mommy on demand!!
She is most of the times a good
little I mean big girl!
Very shy when we are out, which used to upset me a bit that she would not run around like all the other kids, but pleases me now when she sits there quietly as I have my yoga class or watches us dancing, or in line at the shops!!! She is very patient that's what I think!
She is most grumpy when she is tired, just like me!!!
And when she finally is comfortable with poeple, she is a real little chatter box full of life...Her face pulls all sorts of faces, and she loves to pose for the camera in such a way!
Of course, we then have to pose in the same funny faces for her as she snaps us...Hidden photo's!!!
She can be very stubborn, and has been going through some very strong anger with powerful screaming!
I wonder why so much anger at such a young age? Is it a way of being ones self, independence!
My bed side bible is
my bedside bible is "baby and child" by Penelope Leach...better have a look at what she has to say...But so far we have been able to educate Tullula to be a better person with communication, and this past week, banning all screen time! It works...
Now that she is 4 we expect her to wash her teeth every morning and evening, and dress herself, put her shoes on, toys away when needed to clean up and walk...I can no longer carry her, she is just too heavy and big!!! But then I am not very big myself so that does not help much!
I sometimes think that we are maybe being too hard on her, and reality is that 4 is still little, so ok I do give in here and there...and some days all the time!
But that's the great thing about having your own child, you can do what ever you like!!!
The many things she enjoys are:
She likes to bake with me, or maybe that's just because she gets to lick the spoon after?
She likes Spider man for some odd reason...Peppa Pig, Banana's in pyjamas and Play School.
She likes to draw, some really pretty things and then some not so pretty scribbles!!
She Loves
playmobil toys...Or maybe that was me and I just made her love it??!!
She loves to play cards...And can sit for hours (if we are able) listening to us read her books!
At bed time she likes to listen to a story or some music on her CD player!
Its hard to really know what her favourite colour is, as somehow they all seem to be!
I have to push her a little to wear dresses, but yet she knows that when its a special occasion, dresses are the code! As for all her other cloths they have to have pockets...As this little girl has a thing for small stones and we are starting to have a bit of a collection now!
Same for flowers, but they never end up in her pockets they get given to her "kids" as she would say, meaning her little friends at day care! I seem to get a flower as well as a way of making me happy when I am grumpy with her!
I get the impression the new collection at the moment is feathers!!
As for us, we are still exhausted, starting to think that maybe that will never change...Its something that comes with becoming a parent!!
We also cant make up our mind if we want to have another baby/child...And this
little big girl is keeping us very busy at the moment, plus with work and trying to save money for a better future its hard to think of stopping it all and start all over again in the intensive care unit!
The things we have ahead of us are the million and one questions, of the why of why!
Bicycle riding and learning the Alphabet have already started!
And we hope many more travels and life experiences...
Many hours of fun are to be had with out BIG Girl!