Saturday, 17 November 2012

Why do "poeple" do it!!

I just dont get it!
why do poeple feel the need to give sweets to little kids that are not their own?
Ok I get the whole need to please and all, but I think it's wrong!!
Especially for strangers to do so, cause after all they have "NO" idea how the parents are raising their children, nor if maybe that child has some sort of intorenrance to sugar or who knows what!
I may be irrational now...
But you see, up to this day Tullula has had never had any sweets!
We had been able to keep her away from it, and it was easy! After all she did not know what she was missing so no harm was being done, right?

Stephen and I dont eat much sweet things, sure every now and then we have some ice cream (and then feel horrible), and the funniest thing is that one time we did it in front of her, and gave her some "Peanut's" to eat!
She was happy...It was Great!

What I dont get is that poeple just dont seem to actually understand that a 2 and a half year old has NEVER had any sweet's or ice cream, or even drinks juice!!! (she has had juice, I got her some for our flight to fiji)

Every time we go to the Doctor's, she tries to give Tullula some Jelly bean's, and when we tell her "No, No" she has never had that! she looks at us as if we are crazy!
I guess its not "normal" for a todder to have never had any sweet's thease days!!

But that has all changed, I went to the hardware store, and again the lady at the cheack out give tullula a Lolli Pop! I tell her that Tullula does not know what that is, that she has never had any!!!
But the lady just goes and puts it in my bag anyway!!!

Well, Tullula had a fit and wanted what was in "the bag" At first she called it a bubble blower, then as I gave it to her I just said it was pretty to look at, pretty colours! she started saying she was "Hungry" and wanted to eat it!!!
My heart sank...What do I do now???
I said she would have to ask daddy!
what were we to do? well we let her have it, hoping she would hate it! (she did not atually finish it, only after telling us, she liked it, and making noises of satisfaction while she ate happliy).

I could not look...I felt horrible...It was sooo strange to see her eating a lolly pop, a situation I had never seem her in...But one thing is sure, I hated the situation I had been put in by someone else, as if my parenting decisions had not been respected, only because they are not the norm!

I did get a platter of cheese and crackers out, with olives to try to deter her, as she loves cheese and crackers! It did not work!!
But she did have some after she had finished with her lolly pop...


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