Its amazing how fast time goes by...One week! It does not feel like it!
I have always been creative, is it due to my star sign, Aquarius and the arty side we can have?
Or just my character or my dad that got me to make jewellery at the age of 12 "to keep me busy" as he put it!
Well what ever it was, ever since then I have been busy with my hands! At 12 I used to make things with shells, sea urchins...When I look back at what I did then, I realise how basic and very rustic everything was, but the fact that a little girl made it all got the sales up!
When we were in Colombia, a lady bought the whole lot off of me, display board and all my stock!
How funny!
Then when we got to Panama, I used to sit next to a Peruvian (the begging of my relations with the Latin community) man called Vino, and we would sell our things just off the jetty where the Ferry from Panama City would arrive. Full of tourists coming to spend their weekend on Taboga Island!
Vino was a nice man, and again being so young (I was getting closer to 14 then) made him take me under his wings and he taught me how to do wire work...make bracelets...I never really continued the wire work, but got deep into Brazilian bracelets! They were in style then!
Then we continued our trip to the Pacific, and I started to work with sharks teeth, and coconut fibre and weaving! My craftsmanship was clearly getting better and I had a whole range of techniques under my belt!
But we kept on moving, and Hong Kong along and I got fascinated with beads, colour!
By the time I was 18 and left home I did not want to make anything any more...I guess I was going though some sort of refusal...trying to find myself.
Yet reality is that I need to be making things, I need to be creative.
I love to sit there and make create, it well and truly is my form of meditation!
So today I start anew.
I have set myself up in Tullula's room. Got my working desk and a sewing table, that way I can leave it there and not worry about packing up, and can sit there when ever I have the desire to do so!
Tullula does not play in her room, and the other option was to move her cot into our room, but decided to give this way a try first!!!
So, what will I be making?
I am going to continue doing the macramé jewellery, but I am also going to do some sewing! Cloths to be more specific as well as some accessories...But first I have to trial the things I have drawn out and make sure its fits properly! I hope to get back to doing markets!
For now its all very exiting and feels like a new beginning!
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