I wrote about her asking if it was beach or plage in this post. Now what she has started to do it actually Translate for us, or to us I am not too sure yet!
How cool is that??
She sort of looks for some affirmation, which we give her of course, and if we are both there and both listing, we tend to say our word in our language, that way she can see, yeah papa says it that way and momy this way!
It has been the case with many words:
Partez- Go
So she know fully gets it that Papa and Momy don't talk the same language. Know surly she must know (and knows) that I too can talk in English, as I do so with Stephen all of the time, and surly she hears me!!! Yet I find it funny that she accepts that I don't talk to her in English, and when she is with me and says something in English and that I correct her and say that same word in French, she repeats me. Full acceptance!!!
I guess she just is used to me talking her her in French, as that is what I have always done with her from the very first day she was born!
That is why I truly believe that when or if you are going to talk to your child in our birth language, it must be done at all times! Its one of those things 100% or nothing!
Has any of you had the experience? How has it worked for you? How fluent are your children?
I would LOVE to hear your story!!
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