Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The last non Christmas!

We have in some sort escaped the event by going camping!
So many debates we had about what and how to do it this year, could we not do it or would we have to conform???
So we went camping, this way we are away in some sort from it all, that's if we don't put the radio on nor look at our camping neighbours that are unwrapping their presents!
I am not totally anti Christmas, not at all. I don't intend to  exclude Tullula from it all forever, but I just need to find what meaning it has for me! What tradition will I have with this holiday and my new family?
How much am I willing to spend? Is Coca Cola Red Santa my symbol for this holiday or is it something else?
We have concluded with Stephen that next year we would have to do it, Tullula will be at an age where she is really going to realise what happening, no matter how far we go camping!
As for this year, we just did nothing...relaxing by the Tea Tree oil lake and enjoying the sun!

I now have one more year to really think about what to do next year!

I hope you are all enjoying your family time on these holidays!

I also would love to hear what Traditions you have??


Monday, 10 December 2012

Ten on Ten

 One photo every hour for ten Hours!
And my day draws itself...
Do join in the fun at link you day with Rebekah at;

 7am Messy breakfast, Tullula's!

8am; we are all ready to run some errands! and she pulls the funniest smile for the camera!!

 9am; my favourite shop in Australia "spotlight" in America I lived in "Michales"

 10am; getting some nail polish at the supply shot!

 11am...Banana time!

 12pm...getting some sheets at the Op Shot...I got a really cool Orange set for only $3!!

 1pm...Toasted Sandwiches are on the way!

 2pm...Tullula is sleeping, and I painting the chairs on the balcony!

4pm...surly she is going to wake up now?? I feel lonely!

she woke up the minuet after I took the photo, and we did some drawing. Stephen got home and cooked dinner as I am getting things ready for the workshop I am hosting this Thursday!
It has been a relaxed day and got some things done!


Thursday, 6 December 2012

Quilt {finished}

And its finally finished!
It was going fast in the beggining, and then in the end I missed a few craft nights, or was too tiered to go so the quilt just sat there waiting to be finished! Then I took it only to realise that I did not have enough yellow for the border, but its all sorted now and finished!
Its a great feeling, and its going to look wonderful in the bus for our 3 week trip coming up!

Now I can start think of my next Craft Night project!!


Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Tuesday Tullula

A calm afternoon playing with clay and Mom!


Friday, 23 November 2012

Think Think and Life

 We have been to yet another Festival...Its been a year full of festivals!!! "Golden Days" in Coolum was a good day and it started to rain only as we were on our way back to the bus.
We spent the night there as the next day I had my 2nd market in perigian...It rained and was very slow.
Yet I made a very exiting contact; a lady is in the process of organising a Beach festival and she would like me to Host a couple of workshops of my "Ojo de Dios"!
I am super keen to do such a thing!!!

I am working on new product, some more sewing as well as a few D.I.Y kits. I should start thinking of re-opening my Etsy shop.
Just taking my time I guess!

I have been making little toys for Tullula, I let her have a look at the books I have and she chooses what she wants. Then stands on her little chair as she looks at it come to life under my sewing machine!

Home feels like a bomb has exploded and the cleaning never ending! I guess I have been also a bit slack and tired, other things on my mind...like sewing and creating!

As for things on my mind; Christmas is one of them as well as Tullula's upcoming 3rd birthday!
We got our very 1st Birthday Invitation from day care. A little boy in her class we don't even know!
Made me think; gosh what am I going to do for her Birthday, are we going to have a theme? Who will we invite? Up until now her birthdays have been a bit of a flop with no one coming to the 1st (apart from my mother who was with us for her holiday and Stephen's mother who popped by for a little), then for her 2nd, I had planned a BBQ at the park, but it was a raining day, and some wanted me to cancel it! But I could not, so went along with it, and the whole thing was a great big flop!!!
I just did not think or realise that poeple don't expect to eat, so I had all this food and them the guest left as there seems to be a silent rule that one stays at a party only for a couple of hours, so by the time the cake came out, we were alone!
Poor little Tullula, I don't want to do that to her again!

As for Christmas, we have not done it yet!
So what do we do about it this year is a big question?? Do we do it or will we skip it again this year? And if we do have Christmas, how are we going to do it? I say this cause I don't actually believe in Christmas, I don't like that Cola Cola has taken it over! So what shall we do about it???
I have to think think think...

Last night we had a really funny "bilingual event" I will call it when this happened:
At the dinner table I burped; and said "Excuse me" (yes in English) Stephen looks at me and then at Tullula with big eye's...And he says (in French) "oh maman a dit pardon" ...And Tullula says...."No No,You say Pardon (pointing to me) and you say Excuse me (pointing to stephen)"
We both looked at each other...She really knows who should say what, and we had swapped languages and it was all wrong to her!!!
How funny!


Thursday, 22 November 2012

{ What/how do you recycle? }

I really try to recycle things as much as possible! On one of my "Craft Night's" we talked about what each of us recycled and this idea came to my mind, to create the possibility for us to share our little  tips on the things we do to help our planet!

What I do is, I use the envelopes as my shopping list papers! That's way most of the mail gets  a second life/purpose before going into to bin.

So what's your little trick? Enter your link!!!


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

TuesDay Tullula

My lovely little girl!


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Why do "poeple" do it!!

I just dont get it!
why do poeple feel the need to give sweets to little kids that are not their own?
Ok I get the whole need to please and all, but I think it's wrong!!
Especially for strangers to do so, cause after all they have "NO" idea how the parents are raising their children, nor if maybe that child has some sort of intorenrance to sugar or who knows what!
I may be irrational now...
But you see, up to this day Tullula has had never had any sweets!
We had been able to keep her away from it, and it was easy! After all she did not know what she was missing so no harm was being done, right?

Stephen and I dont eat much sweet things, sure every now and then we have some ice cream (and then feel horrible), and the funniest thing is that one time we did it in front of her, and gave her some "Peanut's" to eat!
She was happy...It was Great!

What I dont get is that poeple just dont seem to actually understand that a 2 and a half year old has NEVER had any sweet's or ice cream, or even drinks juice!!! (she has had juice, I got her some for our flight to fiji)

Every time we go to the Doctor's, she tries to give Tullula some Jelly bean's, and when we tell her "No, No" she has never had that! she looks at us as if we are crazy!
I guess its not "normal" for a todder to have never had any sweet's thease days!!

But that has all changed, I went to the hardware store, and again the lady at the cheack out give tullula a Lolli Pop! I tell her that Tullula does not know what that is, that she has never had any!!!
But the lady just goes and puts it in my bag anyway!!!

Well, Tullula had a fit and wanted what was in "the bag" At first she called it a bubble blower, then as I gave it to her I just said it was pretty to look at, pretty colours! she started saying she was "Hungry" and wanted to eat it!!!
My heart sank...What do I do now???
I said she would have to ask daddy!
what were we to do? well we let her have it, hoping she would hate it! (she did not atually finish it, only after telling us, she liked it, and making noises of satisfaction while she ate happliy).

I could not look...I felt horrible...It was sooo strange to see her eating a lolly pop, a situation I had never seem her in...But one thing is sure, I hated the situation I had been put in by someone else, as if my parenting decisions had not been respected, only because they are not the norm!

I did get a platter of cheese and crackers out, with olives to try to deter her, as she loves cheese and crackers! It did not work!!
But she did have some after she had finished with her lolly pop...


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Quilt { step 6 }

OK its time to add the yellow border! After the mistake I made of cutting it, I actually have to add/sew the batting to two end's. But the other two at least were easy after I decided to undo my work and fix it up a bit! My Thursdays have been busy getting ready for my next market this Sunday!
I cant wait to have this quilt finished and start something else!!!


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

{BIG} Ojo de Dios

I am in the process of making a "Big" - Ojo De Dios- Its about a meter in diameter, and I tell you its a challenge!
First of all because there are 3 levels and so far I have only worked 2 levels. Then the size of it makes it hard to actually weave. My arms are stretched out wide and I am quite dangerous to be around, not to mention that my arms get very tired when I am doing it! Then the size of it, means that I am going to have to make so many more colour combination and patterns as well!
I  want to finish it by this Sunday, as I want it to be my feature item on my market shall, and actually there is a lady that already want to see it!


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Tuesday Tullula

I just love looking back at photo's of Tullula when she was a Little baby!
I know that all those who have children say that we must enjoy them while we can as before we know it they will be big; but one only truly understands once one has a child of their own, and we look back at how little they once were!
Tullula was about 5 month her!


Monday, 12 November 2012

My Market- Stall!

I set myself a date, the 4th of November! I just had to otherwise I would of just continued on saying "I am not quite ready, still want to make this or that, ext..."
So on the 4th of November I drove alone, to Perigian Beach, where I was to do my first market alone in about a couple of years!!!
I had a great stop, and despite it taking me forever to set up, and feeling a bit anxious about it all, I kept my cool and acted as if I had all the time in the world and set up sipping on some Chai Tea I had brought along!
I quickly got some really nice comments on my work and sales as well!

Stephen joined me later on with Tullula, and we hung out in my little space that I am very happy to finally have! I shall be doing the market now every 1st and 3rd Sundays, yes at Perigian, as its such a lovely market with a lot of original hand made work!

So if you are somewhere up this way, do come and say "Hello"


Saturday, 10 November 2012

Ten on Ten

One photo every hour on the hour for ten hours!
Do Join in the fun!

ten on ten button

6h30. The dishes need some attention!

7h30. But then so does the living room!!!

8h30. At Mainly Music!

9h30. Some time at the play ground by the beach!

10h30. A Pie to share!

11h30. Tullula is alseep, and I on the computeur!

1h30. And she helps to clean!

2h30ish...I need some help!

I did not get to finish my Ten on Ten today!
The day took an unexpected turn...
See I was up late on Thursday (at craft night) and well was quite tired and that makes me a bit ok a lot cranky or emotional!!!
So I shall just go to sleep now and hope that next month I get a better go at Ten on Ten!!


Thursday, 1 November 2012

The days go by.

I finally  was able to convince Tullula to wear the pretty top I made her!
It was not an easy task as she was very upset that I put the Dragonfly on there, she wanted it for herself!!!

Now she is happy with it, ouf!!!
So here are a few "happy" photo of her showing off her Ruffle Sleeve top!

Stephen says that she is looking more and more like me, and the funniest thing happend yesterday.
We were driving home, and Stephen was in a bit of a Hurry to get back, so he kinda went thought an Orange Traffic Light!!!
Tullula started saying "Daddy stop; Daddy you must stop...As she was gesturing with her hands to stop!!! By the time we realised what she was on about, we were reaching the next red light, that turned green, and she told him he could "Go"....
To this Stephen said; "she not only looks more like you, but sounds more like you!"
We had a good laugh...I am the Morice Police as he calls it!!!

This week we have been playing a lot of hide and seek, and it seems that every time Tullula cant see us, she thinks we are playing the game and thus starts to seek!!

As well as playing catchers, running around our little unit is quit funny as really its all one way tracks, but we let ourselfs go by, and continue the chase!!!

Only to end by playing, wheel barrel!!!
You should see me, on all fours, with Tullula in between my legs, beliving she is actually holding my legs...Hmm...After thought, no maybe you dont want to see that!!!!

I have a friend coming for a month in December, all the way from Paris!
I am looking forward to that...So I am planning a little road trip for us all, should be nice!!! I juts hope we spend LOTS of lazy days at the beach along the coast!!!

I have heaps of things to finish and really hope to start doing the Markets. This Sunday if all goes well...

A week ago I attended a Post Natal Massage workshop, and think I am going to set up a little mobile pregnancy massage business...I just love massaging the pregnant lady's and want to get more practise working on their changing body's!

Oh my life goes by too fast and there is so so much to do!

So for now I shall get going!
Have a good day to all.


Wednesday, 31 October 2012

D.I.Y { T-shirt Ruffles}

Tullula had this T-shirt that had stained sleeve and with summer on the way
I got out my tools and had an idea!

 I needed to get the sleeve's off.
unpicking it on the inside.

and the outside.
One off, one to go!

As you can see, I ended up using another material; blue clouds!

So I cut out my sleeve template.
and sewed a small hem on the straight edge.

Then I passed a thread for the gathering.
Folded the sleeve in half and put a pin in the middle as a marker as to where the middle is!

I then pinned the middle of the sleeve to the middle (top) of the t-shirt.

Right sides together, working outside in.

I then pinned the two ends of the sleeve to the lower part of the sleeve on the T-shirt. this way my work is anchored into place, and I used RED pins to do so, this way I know what they are!
The gathering only starts 5cm away from the end of the material, so I also added two pins (on either side) just before where the gathering starts, just to hold my work well into place!

Now I can pull on the gathering thread and place (more or less) the ruffle sleeve.
I did so with yellow pins!

And the sewing together starts!
I sew with my pins in place, just make sure the heads are well out of the way!

and the same on the other side and VOILA!

I think I will add this dragonfly Iron On piece to add something extra to the top!

If you too make this top, do forward me photo's of your work so I can display it here! (if you want)

P.S:I am in the process of making a more comprehensive tutorial for this; so as they say; watch this space!!


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Tuesday Tullula

We went away for the weekend...To Stradbroke Island!
To get there we had to take the ferry across.
So here is a photo of Tullula in her seat in the bus. She gets to sit in the front as she is not allowed yet to side side on! But she sure is happy about that, as the view from there is pretty good!
And what better than also sucking your thumb for the trip!

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