Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Make Me

I am terrible!
Always think I can make everything, and I start so many things, that I have piles waiting to be finished!
I want to try to make and do all sorts of things, that I get lost as to what is actually the most important!

Then there is my ecological side, aware that every little bit that every one of us can make is how we can help the planet, there is no point is saying that we are too little and that there is nothing we can do, cause there is!!!
So, I have decided that I use too much cotton...Well I'm talking about cotton pads, as we use them to wipe Tullula's little bum, with an Olive Oil base cream...

So I have made some Cotton make up remover pads (as they are called) in soft Flannelette...
Here is how I went:

*I started by tracing all my circles on
the material using a cotton pad as example;

* then I cut them all out;
* the sewing started (and yes I did sew a few projects)

* and there I was all done a pile of  
   reclyable cotton pads! How cool is that???

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

TuesDay TulluLa

Monday, 29 August 2011

The Little Things That make me HaPPy

 Finding Seeds!
OH yes, it sure does make me happy when ever I find a new seed or just the seed by its tree! 
See I collect them, as well as incorporate them in the jewellery that I make! So I am actually in the process of getting a little book together with all the different seeds I have, and I always try to have the tree as well...But that's not always easy as some seeds are drift seeds and I find then on the beach, after a very very long journey that they have been on, washed up to be found as treasures!!!

The last batch I found were these Mexican Oleander's, and the tree as well! I was trilled! I could not believe it!!! So here I was, going crazy to try and pick up as many as I could, passerbys probably thinking I was crazy!!! But they just have no clue! Some did ask me, what was I picking, and they were quite surprised!!!
In the car, on the way home I just could not stop laughing, and being amazed at my find!!!

Now I have two little Mexican Oleander seedling's on my Balcony!!! I shall never go short of that seed!!

Here are other things that make me HaPPy:

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Nails, Art and Beauty!!

I just recently did a Manicure and Pedicure Course, as add on's to my  massage qualifications and thus be more employable on the Spa Industry!

It was a good experience, expensive for just two days thats for sure...But then I guess thats the price one has to pay for get to a Nationally Accredited  Piece of paper! And I guess it has paid off, as I already got a job this Saturday doing pedicures!!!
But thats not what i wanted to talk about...I wanted to talk about that whole world; the one of Beauty!!!
I was brought up in a very natural way, and at 15 boys did not want to go out with me because my legs were too hairy, and at 19 I would get laughed at for my lack of fashoin taist (I used to were sneakers and a skirt, not a done thing back then, I was just ahead of the trend maybe :-)...Then at 21 I was sent to the hair dressers to get a new look and a face wax...Ok, I got the point, I needed to have a closer look in the miror!!!!
One boy friend even said to me I should get surgery to remove the scare on my face!!!

I lived in  New York at the time, and you knwo those American girls...On top of it all they are!
So I had my hair dyed, had acrylic nails, wore what was in style and started to get a sense for it all!!!
But then I went on to sail with my brother for 9 months on a tiny weeany little boat, and all that was no longer a thing to do, or a necessity so I came back to my natural state but with knowledge of what a girl has to do!
 It was all a valuble lesson, but at the end of the day all that fake stuff is just not who I am!
Sure, I like a bit of make up, to be clean and smell good and feel good in my skin...And for sure a lot of that is what society has dictaited upon us, but I have found my just middle and thats it!

yet, when I went to that course, all the girls were talking about was their fake tans, their fake nails, hair extentions (not to say fake hair) and all in their perfectly covered faces of foundation and all the lot!!!
I almost felt atracted to it all, but then "No" I don't want to be like that...I think I just like some of the feel good stuff without all the Fake? Is that possible?
I went home to steve with all my questions and comments, telling him I could not understand how someone could spend $700 on Hair extentions!!! And he said, that it was the same for boys, they spend their money on flashy cars!
he was right! Its just the world we live in, Modern society only has things to show off!!!!
Oh well...Im happy the way I am!!!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Spring is in the Air!

The weather has been so so beautiful!
I'm still amazed that winter has come and is about to be gone! It was not even cold!
Ok, for a bout a week or two I did get a bit cold, and for sure I did put all my summer cloths away and got the winter ones out! It was exiting! Yet I must say I really did not get to wear much of my European winter cloths, it just never got cold enough! Oh well...
Now spring is in the air, and it has been a delight to watch Tullula discovering it all!
Especially the Flowers blooming...The clover ones, for sure they are not what most people would call really beautiful, but if you look close enough and though the eyes of a child, they are!
Everyday, as we get out of the car, we sit and pick flowers...

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Video; Walk at Parklands Forest!

Another Video...We went for a Sunday drive up to Coolum..I had to do a massage there as I had given a Massage gift voucher to "The Perigien Originals" (to sponsor them and the wonderful event they are keeping alive)...So we decided to then explore a bit the area! A pick-nick in a park in Coolum then a walk at the Parklands Forest, that turns out to be big for bike rider! It was a good day out, and my lags did hurt the next day, I had to do self massage!!!
If you have not seem my first Video, here it is:
Currimunday Lake 

Friday, 12 August 2011

Beautiful Blue Skies

Tullula at the Play Ground this week! It was so sunny and we had the playground all to ourselves!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Tullula So Little-

I always take  so much pleasure in looking back at Photo's of Tullula when she was a little baby...She has changed so so much! 
Here she is at only 3 months!!!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011



       Some New 

Saturday, 6 August 2011

The Little Things That make me HaPPy

My fish Pond.
It was given to for the last Christmas, "Christmas chringle"...
At first is was just a Lily Pond, but then we started a mosquito farm, so I had to quickly get a fish to eat the larva...Well I came home with 3 gold fish!! (I got carried away)
Now I just love to go out on the balcony and feed them every day, just sit then and look at them be...I do have to sit real still as they are real scardy cats!!! Maybe Tullula has tried to fish them out once too many!!!!
I am not atached to it, and its one of those little things that make me happy!

here are the other little things that make me happy:
The Little Things That Make me HaPPy
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Friday, 5 August 2011


Yesterday I went and had a consultation at the "Medicine man", in Palmwoods.
As I entered the shop I felt like I had been lifted into some outer space, the smells in the were just divine; spices, incense and herbs. I wondered how I had never been here before and thought this really is a place for me. I was greeted by a beautiful woman in a bright purple scarf, and offered some herbal the as I sat waiting for my turn.

My Consultation was with 3 students and the Medicine Man, we all sat in a cosy little circle in the back room, sipping on more thé (that I ended up spilling on my skirt, clumsy I am) and them asking me a series of questions; "what to I have for breackfast", "what do I dink all day", "hot or cold", "how is my digestion" ect ect...I also did have to stick out my tonque for all to see, and it even got photographed for a longer look and less embarrasment for my part!!! I was not shy to pull it out, but Im happy to have been spared having to keep is out for all to sit and look for a while!!!
Then came some tricky questions, well they were for me; "WHAT DO I TREAT MYSELF TO?"...I was unable to answer...I don't have any treats?? Really can that be?? Surly I must have something?? Chocolate I was told! Well, no I don't have chocolate any more as it has been making me anxious...
I was stunned, and so were they!!!
I left after an hour and a few herbal remedies to help my digestive system as well as something for my moods and cycle...I left feeling great, confused too, yet with this feeling that I wanted to become part of that world, be like those people, spirted and following the Ayurvedic lifestyle!!!

Yet, there is a lot more to it than just that!
Once I was home, and all was quite and tranquille around me, I sat to read the Ayurevdeic cookbook I had bought, and here is was I found; I must Avoid: leftovers, canned foods, prepacked chips, cheese, tap water, any food or drink with added or artificial sugar, and the list goes on....But those were the things that stuck most with me. HOW AM I GOING TO DO IT???
I always eat leftovers, I hate to throw food!!! Some canned foods are cheaper, that's what I use!!! Chips, well we have Natchos once a week!!! Cheese, I'm FRENCH how can I do that??? And tap water, I really can not afford to buy water, I drink far too much of it!!! And here I was thinking I was doing the right thing by drinking lots of water...

So I wonder, how can I do it? Sure I would love to try, but at this stage if feels difficult and expensive!
And the reality  is that its not easy to change habits...We shall see how I go!!!

What do you think about it all??...... Have you had to change your diet?

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Nappie's In the Sun

I really must admit that at times I truly get tired of washing nappies!
Most times I say to people with a lot of confidence that really one "gets used to it", or that "really its not that hard"... It is true that after a year and a half of doing it, a routine has set in, so it just gets done without thinking much about it...But after spending a couple of weeks away with Tullula on my fathers Boat in New Caledonia, I realised how much MORE easier disposables were!!!
Yet, we are watching our every cent, and I guess I must admit that its also part of my belief that I'm doing my little bit for the planet, so here I am washing nappies again!! 

Maybe that's why Tullula is walking around with nothing on a bit more these days!!!!

I wonder; how many of you out there use cloth nappies as well????

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