Yesterday I went and had a consultation at the "Medicine man", in Palmwoods.
As I entered the shop I felt like I had been lifted into some outer space, the smells in the were just divine; spices, incense and herbs. I wondered how I had never been here before and thought this really is a place for me. I was greeted by a beautiful woman in a bright purple scarf, and offered some herbal the as I sat waiting for my turn.
My Consultation was with 3 students and the Medicine Man, we all sat in a cosy little circle in the back room, sipping on more thé (that I ended up spilling on my skirt, clumsy I am) and them asking me a series of questions; "what to I have for breackfast", "what do I dink all day", "hot or cold", "how is my digestion" ect ect...I also did have to stick out my tonque for all to see, and it even got photographed for a longer look and less embarrasment for my part!!! I was not shy to pull it out, but Im happy to have been spared having to keep is out for all to sit and look for a while!!!
Then came some tricky questions, well they were for me; "WHAT DO I TREAT MYSELF TO?"...I was unable to answer...I don't have any treats?? Really can that be?? Surly I must have something?? Chocolate I was told! Well, no I don't have chocolate any more as it has been making me anxious...
I was stunned, and so were they!!!
I left after an hour and a few herbal remedies to help my digestive system as well as something for my moods and cycle...I left feeling great, confused too, yet with this feeling that I wanted to become part of that world, be like those people, spirted and following the Ayurvedic lifestyle!!!
Yet, there is a lot more to it than just that!
Once I was home, and all was quite and tranquille around me, I sat to read the Ayurevdeic cookbook I had bought, and here is was I found; I must Avoid: leftovers, canned foods, prepacked chips, cheese, tap water, any food or drink with added or artificial sugar, and the list goes on....But those were the things that stuck most with me. HOW AM I GOING TO DO IT???
I always eat leftovers, I hate to throw food!!! Some canned foods are cheaper, that's what I use!!! Chips, well we have Natchos once a week!!! Cheese, I'm FRENCH how can I do that??? And tap water, I really can not afford to buy water, I drink far too much of it!!! And here I was thinking I was doing the right thing by drinking lots of water...
So I wonder, how can I do it? Sure I would love to try, but at this stage if feels difficult and expensive!
And the reality is that its not easy to change habits...We shall see how I go!!!
What do you think about it all??...... Have you had to change your diet?