Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Reunited in San Jose

After 5 weeks apart on other sides of the world the 3 of us have finally reunited in San Jose, Costa Rica. Sarah who is now 14 weeks pregnant and myself, together again as one. The longest we have been apart before this was in early Sept/08 last year when I arrived back in Oz after my world travels, where we met and fell in love.I awaited sarahs arrival to my homeland for 5 days, which is a far cry from the 5 weeks that we have just endured, but this is now the start of a new adventure that I could barely of dreamed of let alone contempated as a reality. Our very first adventure together as a couple began in this part of the world back on the 4th of Feb/08 and now I am going to get a taste of a life that Sarah once lived...a life on the sea.

We are going to sail from Panama to Tahiti via The Galapagos Islands and The Marquise Islands, and depending on either how hard the wind blows or how well I keep the contents of my my stomach...we may venture on to the Cook Islands and then, maybe even Samoa. Are you jealous yet?.......

So anyway, here we are in San Jose where we are staying with my cousin Lee and his Costa Rican partner Tanya and their very very adorable/cute/happy 6month old boy Keyo.It has been an absute blessing to be able to fall into the comfort of their home while we recover from the effects of the long flights we have both taken to get here. Long flights, multiple connections and stopovers can really take there toll. Lee and Tanya have been sensational hosts allowing us to rest and relax in there home, providing us with a base while we get an assortment of jobs in town done, and yesterday they took us to nice restaurant on the edge of a nearby national park on the outskirts of San Jose. The food was great but to top it all off we were treated to the unexpected visit of a Sloth, not something that would normally be welcome at dinner bit this was of the 2 toed variety that lives in the trees, and going by the reaction of the restaurant staff who all excitedly ran for there cameras it was not a regular customer. We quickly discovered that there was no need for pace as the sloth as its name suggests was in no hurry....iittt wwaaassss vveeerrrryyy vveeerrryyy ssslllooowwwwww.

If you look closely in both of these pictures with the
trees in the background, you can see the Sloth amongst the leaves

We are now ready to stop is the party capital of Cost Rica, Peurto Viejo


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