Friday 1 January 2010

Hakatea Bay

A week in Hakatea Bay.
We have sailed around Ua Pou and "Margot" is getting ready to go to the Mini Festival of Marquisein Arts held in Fatu Hiva this year!
The big festival is every 4 years, and in beetween they have a mini festival to keep the party and arts alive!
I can not go, fatu Hiva is the furthest south Island and has no Hospital or air port, plus the anchorage there can be rough as well as the sailing back...Im too close to my due date,its wiser to stay and relax!
Yet, I got dad to tow "Kerzo" to the bay of Hakatea...just west of Taiohae (the marquisien Capital)...On the Island of Nuku Hiva!
A very very pretty bay, that even has a sort of white sand beach...A rare thing for the Marquises!
With no one, nothing, just a calm bay, the beach and nice breeze!
The valley just next has a village, where 20 poeple live in peace...No shops,no roads, no facitities apart from a phone booth where Stephen got to call his parents from...
"Margot" and its crew set sail, and we stay for a week of rest and peace.
I really needed it.
We lived at a peacefull pace, making coconut milk, jewerlly, swimming and many naps!
Then "Margot" came back so we could spend Christmass together...And take "kerzo" back to Taiohae...
Thats it for me.
NO More moving around...Only 3 weeks to go and baby will be here!
So Taiohae will be our home till then, on "Kerzo" as we were not able to find a house to rent, at a resonable price that is!
But Im confortable with my ever growing belly and life on the boat, so thats ok! At least this way I can still go for my daily swim!
And the waiting period starts!

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