For the past few months now I have been working extra hours well maybe it's even more extra days!!!
I have started a new job working at a spa and work there 2 days a week and have picked up an extra day at my original job!!
It's all a lure to get more money, more cash for my Europe holiday!
yes sometime despite all the extra work I never seem to be ahead financially... Crazy world we live in, the more you have the more you want the more we work the more we need to work!!
But at least I have a long holiday ahead... A goal I am working towards!
Yesterday I took my back pack to the dry cleaner to get it cleaned up a bit and well it turns out all the straps are rotten and I have to get a new bag! Good thing Easter sales are on!
Reality is that I am getting tiered,tired of the rat race for more money, for it only to be spent in the end on more material things, sure those things will be special and from France, but what will they be in the big picture? Nothing....Ok I might look and feel pretty good in a nice Skunk Funk dress form Paris...(and reality is that I will get one or two:-)...But what I am trying to say is that I get lost in it all and I am getting tired!
Tired of working for money opposed to pleasure, these days all I want to do is sew crafty things!!!
(but I need money as "Spotlight" is becoming an expensive hobby to have)...
I have a whole big new list of things I want to make, and still one to finish...
Gota get that update out to you all!
I think I am going to skale things down and really try to enjoy special Time with Tullula.
Last night she was asking and asking me to play with her, and I had one thing after another to do (none were craft either, so not much fun for me) but in the end, she just gave up on me and said to Stephen, "you be mommy and I be daddy" so he did, and she said to her daddy "momy, you want to play with me?" so her daddy that had become her "momy" played with Tullula, I mean "daddy"....Very confusing, but they played for a good hour and they never seemed to get confused as to who was who...
I think it was a revenge on me not being available!!
I get so caught up with work, house chores and desperately trying to do the things I want to do, i think I have been neglecting my child!!!
It has to change, something has to change...So of course I dream of sailing away, driving away (in the bus of course, and since I cant drive it I need stephen to be there too)...I even have been having dreams of flying of to Mexico!
Maybe i am just getting itching pants, of something like that, after all I am not used to being in one place for so long, and this is starting to add up as being the longest time in one place....
well at least the Kookaburra's out side our window a beautiful and let me come super close!
Oh and for all the non Australians, here is a little song/nursery rhyme that's a Classic in Australia!
Tullula already knows it and sing it to us.