I find myself saying that a lot lately...I guess its because that time of the year is here again!
Sure I did Christmas with my family, but really it did not happen every year. As some years my parents just did not have the money to buy anything! I do have some wonderful Christmas Memories as I have some really horrible one's of family come over to see us in the Seychelles and BANG a big family argument so in spite they kept all the presents that were intended for us!!!
So we just learnt to accept that it was not always a given...
Then I moved away and as a young adult did not see the need for Christmas, away from family...
My most horrible Christmas experiences were while I was an Au-pair in the USA...There were SO SO SO many gift's. So many that some did not even get opened and were brought out again the following Christmas...I did not understand...I had seen so much misery in my life and here all was in excess...Disgusting.
I hate the fact that Cola Cola has "Made" Christmas red...It's green the colour of Christmas!!!
Ok, I dont like all those commercial holidays...I confess....
Yes, now I have a child and I must not be selfish, I must think of her...yet we have decided not to do it this year (dint last year either)...I dont know how we will handle it in the future yet, but for now Tullula just really has no clue what's going on, so we are not going to bother with it!
But I wonder, how do the Muslins do it, or the Buddhist, Hindus??? Do they do Christmas living in a coutry where EVERY one seems to do it? What do they tell their children!!!!
I could get some good idea's from them....