In a blink things still keep moving, in a second all can change!
Time goes by, without even a notice...Its like I woke up yesterday, or today or 6 months ago...Lines were left empty, but my days are full!!!
I dont even have the time to read anymore...And soon Ill be running around, trying to keep up with it all!
Tullula is growing...It all allmost goes too quick!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Silver Chain is Finished
The necklace I was making is finally finished!
Its so shiny, and it feels somehow very soft...It was hard work, especially sanding such small circles, but now I know how its done, have made one and will never again!
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Lismore lantern parade
On saturday 26th Juin, we all headed down to Lismore, for the lantern Parade.
It was a wonderfull event, full of music, arts and poeple...
Not as cold as axpected, it was a wonderfull day, and s everning set in we posted ourselfs on a hill where the finale was to be held and watch it all come.
It was wonderfull, the show, the fire, and the fireworks that captured Tullula's Big Blue Eye's!
We ended the night with a Moon Eclipse and dancing!
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Baby Ball
I also dream of making everything all by myself...Yet time is allways an issue...
But for this Baby Ball, I made the time and it was so much fun making.
I hope my Baby Girl will enjoy Playing with it now!!!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Monday Night at the Lapidery Club
Monday Night, from now on will be atending my local Lapidery club....
Learing something very exiting and an all new challenge to me; SilverSmithing!
My first project is a chain...So here are the loops that I have soldererd together and have to sand!
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Love the Beach
I love the Beach...
When ever I need to empty my mind, to get Away from it all...I just go to the beach, sit and stare at the Ocean...So Calm, so beautifull...
The sound of the waves as I walk along the shore line, looking for Treasures that have washed up from very far!
When ever I need to empty my mind, to get Away from it all...I just go to the beach, sit and stare at the Ocean...So Calm, so beautifull...
The sound of the waves as I walk along the shore line, looking for Treasures that have washed up from very far!
| ||
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Craft the World Challenge
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Tullula is 4 month

Its great to be away from the intense heat we were experiencing in the Marquises...
So many poeple have asked us, if it was not too hot here for us in QLD..
No, we are enjoying the the coolness of winter coming!
Tullula is now 4 Month and doing really well!
She is now 60cm long and 5.7kg as well as 2 teeth on the way!
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Bath Time
Tullula is changing so much and now seems to enjoy bath time!
Full of smiles we all were.
She is lovelly.
Full of smiles we all were.
She is lovelly.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Tullula after her first month
Hello everybody,
Just a quick posting to show off our new bub that has just passed her first month. Tullula is now a healthy 3.9kg and is steadily growing into her 9cm long flipper feet, she is now about 54cm long....some time to go yet before we can use the word tall instead of long. Despite her occasional crying tantrums Tullula is our bundle of joy, constantly pulling all sorts of very amusing faces as she works out what muscles do what.
Sarah has posted a few more photos of Tullula after 1 month.
We are all happy and well, hope you all are too.
Love to all
Steve, Sarah and Tullula
Just a quick posting to show off our new bub that has just passed her first month. Tullula is now a healthy 3.9kg and is steadily growing into her 9cm long flipper feet, she is now about 54cm long....some time to go yet before we can use the word tall instead of long. Despite her occasional crying tantrums Tullula is our bundle of joy, constantly pulling all sorts of very amusing faces as she works out what muscles do what.
Sarah has posted a few more photos of Tullula after 1 month.
We are all happy and well, hope you all are too.
Love to all
Steve, Sarah and Tullula
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Frieday the 15th of January 2H30am I get woken up by some contactions...Nothing abnormal, as I as getting them for a while now...I do my nightly routine, loo, a glass of milk and back to bed...Not for long as at 3H30 another strong one, I go back to the loo and there it is the "show"...
I wake Stephen up; "darling wake up, something is happening"!!!!
We start timing the contractions, yes they are every 5 or so minuets apart!!!
Ok, lets get dressed, where is the Hospital bag?
Shall we call the Midwife?
We decied to wait 7am, thats when they come into work!
I try to rest, we have breakfast...
At the Hospital, they monitor baby and the contractions for more than an hour...All is fine, but I have not dilated, so I am sent back home...Its not for now!
So they say, but the contractions dont stop, sometimes they are 12min apart, but they are getting stronger, more powerfull, breathtaking!
I try to relax, go for a swim...And go lay down...
As I layed there, trying to sleep a bit I felt something strange happening inside me, and had the reaction to quicky get off the bed, well I did well, as I slipped off the bed a gush of water came down...
There it was, baby on its way, I had lost the waters!!!
So off we were to the Hopital once more, it was about 14hrs!
Still I was hardly dilated, so I was monitored and let to walk around the buildings.
Going back in to be monitored every hour...Of course as time passed I started to dilate and the contractions got stronger and stronger...Breathing and rocking througt them was getting harder...I wished for it all to come to an end...Painfull!
By 19hrs I was dilated at the required 10cm for birth...
Now time to start pushing!!!
OUR LITTLE GIRL, was born at 20H55...
A good weight of 3.6kg
47.50 cm long
and a good set of lungs!
Moana is her Marquisien name,it means "OCEAN"...
Has changed our lifes, our very own bundle of joy!
She has all sorts of funny faces, she loves be cuddled, and asks for a feed every 2 to 3hrs..
I am breastfeeding and so far all is going well!
Stephen has taken the role as my very own diaper service!
We are now back living on "Kerzo"...
Julie is with us, enjoying every moment of the begining of our little girl's life!
I wake Stephen up; "darling wake up, something is happening"!!!!
We start timing the contractions, yes they are every 5 or so minuets apart!!!
Ok, lets get dressed, where is the Hospital bag?
Shall we call the Midwife?
We decied to wait 7am, thats when they come into work!
I try to rest, we have breakfast...
At the Hospital, they monitor baby and the contractions for more than an hour...All is fine, but I have not dilated, so I am sent back home...Its not for now!
So they say, but the contractions dont stop, sometimes they are 12min apart, but they are getting stronger, more powerfull, breathtaking!
I try to relax, go for a swim...And go lay down...
As I layed there, trying to sleep a bit I felt something strange happening inside me, and had the reaction to quicky get off the bed, well I did well, as I slipped off the bed a gush of water came down...
There it was, baby on its way, I had lost the waters!!!
So off we were to the Hopital once more, it was about 14hrs!
Still I was hardly dilated, so I was monitored and let to walk around the buildings.
Going back in to be monitored every hour...Of course as time passed I started to dilate and the contractions got stronger and stronger...Breathing and rocking througt them was getting harder...I wished for it all to come to an end...Painfull!
By 19hrs I was dilated at the required 10cm for birth...
Now time to start pushing!!!
OUR LITTLE GIRL, was born at 20H55...
A good weight of 3.6kg
47.50 cm long
and a good set of lungs!
Moana is her Marquisien name,it means "OCEAN"...
Has changed our lifes, our very own bundle of joy!
She has all sorts of funny faces, she loves be cuddled, and asks for a feed every 2 to 3hrs..
I am breastfeeding and so far all is going well!
Stephen has taken the role as my very own diaper service!
We are now back living on "Kerzo"...
Julie is with us, enjoying every moment of the begining of our little girl's life!
Friday, 1 January 2010
Hakatea Bay

A week in Hakatea Bay.
We have sailed around Ua Pou and "Margot" is getting ready to go to the Mini Festival of Marquisein Arts held in Fatu Hiva this year!
The big festival is every 4 years, and in beetween they have a mini festival to keep the party and arts alive!
I can not go, fatu Hiva is the furthest south Island and has no Hospital or air port, plus the anchorage there can be rough as well as the sailing back...Im too close to my due date,its wiser to stay and relax!
Yet, I got dad to tow "Kerzo" to the bay of Hakatea...just west of Taiohae (the marquisien Capital)...On the Island of Nuku Hiva!
A very very pretty bay, that even has a sort of white sand beach...A rare thing for the Marquises!
With no one, nothing, just a calm bay, the beach and nice breeze!
The valley just next has a village, where 20 poeple live in peace...No shops,no roads, no facitities apart from a phone booth where Stephen got to call his parents from...
"Margot" and its crew set sail, and we stay for a week of rest and peace.
I really needed it.
We lived at a peacefull pace, making coconut milk, jewerlly, swimming and many naps!
Then "Margot" came back so we could spend Christmass together...And take "kerzo" back to Taiohae...
Thats it for me.
NO More moving around...Only 3 weeks to go and baby will be here!
So Taiohae will be our home till then, on "Kerzo" as we were not able to find a house to rent, at a resonable price that is!
But Im confortable with my ever growing belly and life on the boat, so thats ok! At least this way I can still go for my daily swim!
And the waiting period starts!
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